He lives and creates in Kolín (Kolín nad Labem, Czech Republic) where he has an atelier. He studied private art with prof. J. V. Paleček (Art Conservatory of Prague).
Besides art, he graduated from the History of Arts at the Charles University in Prague with prof. M. Horyna and ing. P. Macek. He also studied Public and Social Policy + Sociology (Prof. M. Potůček) and Politics (Prof. Ján Liďák and Dr. Zdeněk Zbořil).
At the National Monument Institute in Prague, doc. PhDr. Josef Štulc graduated from a higher professional study of heritage culture care.
During all those periods his artistical main direction was ”Surrealism“. He let himself guide by drawings and ideas inspired by surrealism and even by visual elements and their composition interfering between fantasy and reality, thus giving the image of individual expression and style.
In 2014 he was granted for one year the honorary membership in the Australian surrealist group "C. A. S. M."
He becoming with membershif surrealist group „INTERNATIONAL SURREALISM NOW“ (leader this group Santiago Ribeiro, Portugal)
Since 2017 he has been a member of the "International Society Watercolor - Czech Republic"
Other links to the person authoring can be found here:
1) Dictionary of Czech and Slovak artists 1950-2006., Vyd. 1. XVII. díl. Ostrava: Výtvarné centrum Chagall, 2006, s. 77.
2) In the abART information system available from the address: https://www.isabart.org/person/4085
3) Surrealism Now has a permanent Gallery at the Palace Ega; Available at address: https://www.visionaryartexhibition.com/dreams--divinities-blog/archives/05-2014
4) Link to other web pages here: https://oneiricrealism.com/ ; https://oneiricrealism.com/#jp-carousel-1685
5) Another link here: https://issuu.com/ananeamu/docs/deviantly_surreal_magazine_3rd_issu (Pictures and text about the author on the site 59 - 62)